Friday 31 May 2013

Installation Art

We've been taught this about 2 weeks ago, and somehow I forgot to update about that here. Oops.

Installation art is basically using various materials to create a work of art that can be seen all around (360 degrees). It can vary from wall art to sculptures - although I think installation art is more than just a sculpture, like the Thinker:

Figure 1: The Thinker. Legion of Honor (2013)

To put it in easier terms:

Figure 2: A simplified depiction of what installation art is about. Although I'm not quite sure if anyone can actually understand that. Personal collection.
My concept involves a Chinese dragon. Dragons in Chinese culture signify power, wisdom, prosperity and protection, and even when I'm not exactly any of these things, I think this symbol empowers me greatly, as a person, a woman, and as a student. Coupled together with roses (a yellow rose signifies more than just 'friendship growing to love'  - it also signifies intelligence) and lotuses (it signifies purity - lotuses grow to be beautiful even though they emerge from mud), these symbols provide a good representation of who I am.

This is how my initial sketch looks like:

And this is how it looks like refined:

Obviously this is not, in any way, the final outcome of the installation art as I might do plenty of changes.

Bibliography:, 2005. Life is symbolic, start interpreting. Available at: [Accessed 31 May 2013]

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